Friday, July 1, 2011

CHOIR HOW - TO --- Choosing a Scholarship Winner -- not an easy task!

Pete follows the score as we listen to the applicant's recording

It all started with our Committee chairman, Diane, providing each of us with a binder with the candidates' applications and info, as well as a CD with recordings of their performances. 

Assessment sheets were also provided -- these were generated by Diane and Pierre. We based our evaluation on criteria such as musicianship, difficulty of pieces chosen, a personal essay the candidate was asked to write about their love of music , how much work they did in their community in relation to their music and, of course, how beautiful their voice or instrument sounded. We spent the afternoon munching on snacks, listening to the candidates recordings and reading their submitted essays and recommendation letters.

Dahlia Al-Khafajy and Nicolas Galuban are The 2011  Stairwell Caroller  Scholarship winners
This years decision was delightfully difficult since two of the candidates were so excellent, we decided to award two Scholarships of $1,000 each instead of just one.
Nicolas Galuban, Pierre Massie and Dahlia Al-Khafajy
After the decision was made, we tucked into a potluck dinner. Yum. Amazing how hungry decision-making can make one!

We all gave notes to Diane about this years binder and she now has the daunting task of tweaking all the forms to keep them precise and relevant to choosing our next year's winner.

All Stairwell Carollers Scholarship winners can be seen here .

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You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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