Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Spacewell Carollers set to sing in cozy venue

Choir members brace for close quarters in Soyuz rocket

In a bold move, the Stairwell Carollers have made the difficult, yet plucky decision to go up to the International Space station to entertain the astronauts.

"We feel sorry for the astronauts", says alto, Holly Massie. "They have to listen to canned music all the time. I understand many of them are classical and even choral music lovers, so we think this is a good fit."

The Carollers expect singing in a vacuum will be difficult, but have retrofitted the rehearsal room at St. Columba to ready themselves for the forthcoming astronaut training. Vocal warmups upside down should help with combatting nausea. Thanks Volunteers! Sorry for the whiplash, Holly.
Chairs fixed to the ceiling and lots of duct tape

Like all astronauts, each choir member will go through the minimal 2 years training for space flight, thus there can be no new choir members in the near future. Current members have signed a non-disclosure document and are legally obligated to stay with the choir for the foreseeable future.

A new name, The Spacewell Carollers, is not official till we see how many of us survive the training.

If you think this post is true, I have a Peace Tower for sale once the digital clock is installed.


  1. Hey, It's a go for me. I decided to stay in this choir at least till I'm 88.

    Space, Here I come.


You can also email your questions to me - info (at) stairwellcarollers (dot) com.
Holly :)

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